Traumatic injuries in childhood/adulthood lead to present and future oral health problems, which cause pain and distress. Children encounter many accidents in their routine day to day life when they engage themselves in sports activities such as running, skating, and cycling. Thus, it becomes important to provide immediate emergency care to reduce the various possible outcomes. Any kind of violence, accidents, falls, and sports related activities can cause tooth loss. Dental traumatic injuries mainly range from minor enamel chipping to extensive maxillofacial damage involving the tooth supporting structures with displacement and avulsion of teeth. Injuries in children have become an international public health problem. In 2011, WHO projected that more than 6, 30, 000 children under the age of 15 died because of road traffic accident (RTA). These injuries are associated with high rate of morbidity. For every person who dies, there are several thousand others who live on with various other disabilities.
The traumatic injuries such as tooth avulsion varies from 0.5% to 16% of injuries in the permanent dentition and from 7% to 13% in the primary dentition. Maxillary central incisor is most commonly involved tooth in avulsion in both primary and permanent dentition. Avulsion injuries are three times more common in boys than in girls because of their active participation in sports and games. Prior to graduation, approximately 50% of the school children experience some form of traumatic dental injury. The loss of an anterior tooth can lead to an extreme psychological trauma, along with compromised aesthetics. Immediate emergency management can help in developing the prognosis of an injured tooth, which helps in preserving the smile.
The prognosis of an avulsed tooth is largely determined by the viability of the periodontal ligament. This in turn is determined by the storage media. Hence, the ultimate result of an avulsed tooth may depend on the knowledge of the correct emergency management by the Dental Office. We at Delhi Dental Hub aim to restore the natural and preach the importance of the same. It is mandatory to make them aware and to improve their knowledge and skill and to act immediately in case of any dental traumatic injury.
A traffic collision, also called a motor vehicle collision (MVC) among other terms, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. Implants Can be a treatment of choice in cases where the tooth cannot be saved by Root Canal Treatment followed by crown/ bridge.